这一路线图不仅反映了董事会和管理层的想法, but also faculty, staff, students, parents, and alumni.

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  • Trails to Transformation

    Maumee Valley's 2021-2026 Strategic Plan
At Maumee Valley Country Day School, 一个多世纪以来,我们一直秉承着创新精神和追求卓越的传统. 通过培养创造力和鼓励探索,我们将坚定不移地共同致力于教育和激励未来的领导者.

We also recognize that the strategies, methodologies, partnerships, 不仅是支持我们的使命,而且是推进我们的使命所需的资源也在不断变化. 该计划旨在为我们提供最佳的途径,以实现我们的目标和实现我们的潜力-从课程到社区, funding to facilities, people to processes, and communications to collaborations.

Introductory letter from Board President, Head of School

After more than a year of strategic planning, we are excited to share our direction for the next five years. 规划过程对受托人和管理人员提出了挑战,要求他们创造性地思考当今学龄前儿童毕业时将面临的世界.

这个过程也迫使我们深入挖掘我们的过去和现在,以澄清我们现在所处的位置. Many of you—more than 100 alumni, parents, students, faculty, 和其他社区成员也帮助学校命名其核心优势和宗旨, 这些原则是我们在未来几年里应该带在身边的.

Additionally, 我们聘请了独立学校管理的咨询服务,帮助我们将我们的战略和财务计划结合起来,这样它们是可持续的,并利用最佳实践. Thank you to everyone who participated. You have assisted the school in finding its way forward.

Our theme for the next five years is trailblazing.
At an institutional level, 开拓意味着继续学校悠久的创新传统,同时培养我们的自然资源和财政资源以及我们的人才. At a more personal and programmatic level, 这意味着为所有学习者提供所需的安全和挑战,以支持他们冒险并找到自己的道路. You can expect to see more focus on leadership development, college counseling, faculty development, and parent education.

你也可以看到学校在学生群体中加强年级之间的联系, inviting more parents to participate in school events, forging new ties to the business community in our region, enlarging our campus, and helping students navigate beyond our walls.

Even here in the description, 你会注意到一个包容的策略,以加强联系,促进获得思想和教育资源在我们的社区. The plan is an ambitious one that gives the Board of Trustees and administrators many avenues to choose from over the next five years; the school will not follow every offshoot of the plan in the foreseeable future.

在所有这些选择中保持一致和最重要的是,我们致力于帮助学习者通过授予他们更广泛的资源来发掘他们的最大潜力. What we offer you here is a scenic outlook, 一个从灌木丛中清晰可见的高点,在那里你可以看到我们身后的小路和前面的路.

This is our roadmap for the next five years, as well as an updated mission statement and guiding principle.
It reflects the hearts and minds of not only the board and administration, but faculty and staff, students, parents, and alumni as well. We would not have reached this point without you. Please enjoy this strategic direction. We look forward to seeing you on the trail ahead.

Diana Block
President, Board of Trustees

Lynn D. Casto
Head of School

Four Primary Focus Areas

List of 4 items.

  • Community Connection

    1. 检查我们的系统、流程和课程,以确保公平和包容.
    2. 聘请一名多元化、公平和包容协调员来指导我们当前的工作和未来的发展.
    3. 完善招聘实践,使我们的员工社区反映我们的学生和家庭的多样性.
    Expand opportunities for community engagement.
    1. Nurture peer family relationships and connections to the school.
    2. Enhance parent education programs.
    3. Match students, parents, faculty, and alumni through Maumee Valley to foster deeper, lifelong connections.
  • Academic Opportunity and Innovation

    Cultivate Intellectual Excellence
    1. Emphasize learning as a journey, not just a fixed destination.
      • 开发一个系统,让学生展示他们对修订后的mg冰球突破试玩毕业生画像的每个组成部分的理解水平.
      • 走向精通:明确定义课程技能和能力,这样学生就可以在连续的成长过程中展示他们对课程概念的理解.
    2. Make the world our classroom and bring our classrooms to the world.
      • 学生进行研究,并通过解决现实问题来展示他们的学习成果. Create opportunities for students to engage in relevant, real-world learning by establishing community partnerships locally, nationally, and globally that extend learning beyond the campus.
      • Expand our Forest School Inspired Programming and Outdoor Education.
    Creatively Explore Passions
    1. Blaze a personal trail.
      • 增加跨学科课程的数量,让学生在探索兴趣的同时也能获得学分.
      • 加强自主学习和激情项目,让所有学生都有机会探索他们的兴趣和激情,分享他们的经验.
    2. Create your vision of success.
      • 制定一个更强大的大学咨询计划,重点是在学习之旅的早期与学生和他们的父母建立关系.
    Inspire Positive Change in the World
    1. Enhance our community of belonging.
      • Implement restorative practices schoolwide, 强调每个人都有责任创造一个健康的社区.
      • 创新我们的咨询项目,包括明确的社交情感学习课程, 包括强调身份,让学生发展对多样性的深刻理解, equity, and inclusion.
      • 为学生提供机会,增强学校精神,建立学生项目和跨部门的关系.
      • Enhance service-learning opportunities.
    2. Learn to lead.
      • Expand student leadership programs to enhance communication skills, exhibit positive influences, cultivate emotional intelligence, and nurture healthy relationships with others.
  • Organizational Excellence

    Establish systems and structures to solidify Maumee Valley’s success.

    1. Develop a competitive faculty, staff, 以及行政人员的薪酬理念和招聘政策, retain, and reward exceptional employees, making MVCDS the first choice for talented employees.
    2. Bolster our world-class, innovative, student-centered faculty culture.
      • Increase professional development funding.
      • 培养一个专业学习的环境,以支持教师和学生.
    3. Perpetuate a board culture that is strategically oriented, financially prudent, mission focused, and philanthropic.
  • Building Toward Tomorrow

    Be intentional and strategic about financial sustainability, specifically aiming to increase revenue in areas other than tuition.
    1. Implement the five-year strategic financial plan.
    2. Increase the endowment to $20 million by 2030.
    3. Establish planned giving, major gifts, and grant writing programs while maintaining our annual giving.
    4. Regularly review and update facilities master plan.
      • 升级我们的技术能力,将我们的项目扩展到美国和世界各地.
      • 优先考虑空间和设施的改造,以优化和提高我们的学术, artistic, and athletic programs.

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  • Your Educational Journey Begins Today

    Welcome to Maumee Valley
    For more information contact us at admissions@promisesurfing.net or by calling 419-381-1313.
Maumee Valley Country Day School is the only PreK-12th grade accredited, co-educational, and independent school in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan.